Thursday 31 March 2011

Letter to Linda Sue Park, telling her who you are.

Dear Mrs Park,

I have just read your book with the title of "When My Name was Keoko". The book is simply great. I had lived through that period of time, it reminded me about the things we had to cope with, especially those which are very difficult such as the Japanese taking away most of our belongings. with accurate fact, i used this book to teach my grandson about the Japanese occupation on Korea. However, whenever I read the events that happened, I felt a tinge of coincidence. I believe that I am the 'Tae Yul' in your book. 

Events such as me being enlisted to the Air Corps and dropping of the leaflets, I do have evidences to support my claim. Remember the dragon pin your character 'Sun Hee' received? I still have it with me. She gave it to me as a memento of her before she left. And also that flower that Sun Hee sent to me in a letter when I was in the army? I still have it with me. Hence, I can conclude that I am the character 'Tae Yul' and it is not a coincidence.

I am actually feeling elated to see that someone had used my experiences to accurately describe the harrowing experience of the war. Through this, one could have realised that he or she is living in a safe world. Reading the book feels like I am reading a biography of my hardest time in my life. Hence, I hope that you believe to my claim, I am the 'Tae Yul' in your book.

It would be appreciated if you reply to this letter. Thank you for sparing some of your time to read this letter. 

Rhee Jae Sun    

Tuesday 22 March 2011

10 events that we will be doing:

1. The choosing of their Japanese names
2. Uncle showing Taeyul and Sunhee the Korean flag
3. The digging up of the Rose of Sharon Tree
4. The time when Taeyul helped Uncle in his newspaper shop
5. The time when Taeyul overheard the quarrel between Abuji and Uncle
6. When the Japanese soldiers steal Taeyul's bicycle
7. When the Japanese soldiers raid their house at night
8. When Taeyul joined the army
9. When Taeyul became a kamikaze
10. Taeyul recounting about his near death experience