Monday 25 April 2011

Progress Checklist - WEEK 5

Post title: Progress Checklist - WEEK 5 What we aim to achieve:1. put the whole scrapbook together
2. compile all the artefacts and label them
3. write out the letter to the author

We have completed:1. putting the whole scrapbook together
2. compile all the artefacts

We were unable to complete:
1. write out the letter to the author

Friday 22 April 2011

Some artefacts for the events

The hibiscus for replacement of the rose of sharon tree.
Nails and hair from Tae Yul that he sent home.
Yellow ball that Tae Yul got from the Emperor.
Rusty chain of Tae Yul's bicycle. 

Wednesday 20 April 2011

photos of the scrapbook, and other related pictures

Tae-yul's last letter to his family before flying his mission as a Kamikaze

Korean flag and meaning (taken from wikipedia )

front cover

pages of the scrapbook

inside the scrapbook

the letter to Mrs Linda Park

artefact list

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Progress Checklist - WEEK 5

 Progress Checklist - WEEK 5 

What we aim to achieve:
1. piece the whole scrapbook together
2. organize all the artefacts
3. write out the letter to Mrs Linda Park

We have completed:
1. piece the whole scrapbook together
2. organised the artefacts

We were unable to complete:
1. write out the letter

Sunday 17 April 2011

the samurai sword that Tae-yul sent to his family together with his hair and nail trimmings and his last letter to them

the burnt Korean flag which Uncle drew for Sun-hee and Tar-yul

Progress Checklist - WEEK 4

Progress Checklist - WEEK 4

What we aim to achieve:
1. task assignment
2. artefacts
3. diary entries

We have completed:
1. scrapbook papers
2. 50% of the diary entries
3. some artefacts
4. task assignment

We were unable to complete:
1. the rest of the diary entries
2. the rest of the artefacts
3. put the whole scrapbook together

Areas we want to improve on or change/remove:
1. team work- working as a group where everyone does their job well and on time

Things we will bring in the next lesson:
1. materials for the scrapbook
2. research

Saturday 16 April 2011

Samurai sword-Katana

Remember the time when Tae-yul had to fly his Kamikaze mission? He had to send back a box containing his samurai sword, a lock of his hair, his nail trimmings and his final letter to his obviously we couldn't get a real samurai sword. We may be making something similar to this, or at least this has given us some ideas!!

Friday 15 April 2011

Diary entry on Tae Yul's life as a kamikaze.

Dear Diary,
                    Today, I packed my bag, bid farewell to my fellows in my unit and left for Japan. It was the first time on the open sea. I made friends with Han Joo, Kentaro. We then headed to our new camp, at the base called Kagohara. They gave us new uniforms too. We then had lessons in the Emperor’s words, working on airplanes which were my favourite, flight manuals, military operations and military history. We had to learn everything. In the afternoon, we had practical training. Flying at last! But it was in gliders. We waited for our turn. Finally, after waiting patiently, it was my turn. I could feel the urge wanting to get on it immediately tickling inside me. The instructor demonstrated to me first. I paid really close attention to him. After he had finished, it was my turn to operate it. The car gained speed. He yelled and I pushed the button to release the cable. It was slithering like a snake. I pushed the stick and pull it precisely. Within seconds, I was in the air! I have never felt so amazing in my entire life. I felt that my dreams had come true even though it was not an airplane. Our instructor said that we were fast learners and could fly more often.
                    Today was a great day. The sky is dark now and I am turning in soon. I will write more next time.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Diary entry on the quarrel between Uncle and Abuji

Dear diary,
      Sun-Hee and I heard today that Uncle wanted to expand his business to attract Japanese merchants. I know he would definitely benefit form this change as he would earn more money. In other words, become a Chin-il-pa who does anything and everything for the Japanese. However, I am not happy for Uncle, I am actually a little scared. There have been rumors that chin-il-pa get beaten up and even killed.
      It was really scary listening to Abuji and Uncle talking back at each other. I could really see that Abuji was disappointed with Uncle for wanting to concentrate more on his business rather than family. I hope that Uncle will not leave our family for his business and take Abuji’s advice.

Diary Entry on The American leaflet that fell from the sky

Dear diary,
                 General Douglas MacArthur... The American. The American that wants to free us from the Japanese occupation. The American that is regarded as an evil person in the wrong teachings of the Japanese. Today, leaflets fell down from the sky. I managed to keep one of the leaflets without the Japanese soldiers finding out. It says that this American, General Douglas MacArthur, wants to free us.  I hope so in the future. So that we will learn our own culture and be free from the wrong teachings of the Japanese. The one that 'taught' us that the Americans are evil.

Diary Entry on the Rubber Ball

Dear diary,
                 Today got a yellow rubber ball... We got a pathetic rubber ball for all the pain and suffering they caused us and the things they took. Like our rice, metal and other things. Not to mention our names, culture, flag and identity. Talking about this subject, I wondered how many more rights do the Japanese will take away from us. But now, I cannot stop wondering that when the Japanese has more successes, life here is better too. I hope I will find the answer soon...

Diary Entry on Sharon Tree

Dear Diary,
                  Today something tragic happened. I'm fine with the Japanese taking our things and all but forcing us to cut down and burn our sharon trees is just too much. The rose of sharon tree is Korea's national tree, our tree. I was really furious when the trees were just burnt right in front of our eyes. But Omoni secretly kept one of the trees. That seedling is in the tool shed right now and I'm sure that someday that little seedling will grow up to be a big and proud tree. But I am a little worried about Omoni, as by doing so, she would be punished by the Japanese if they ever find out. But at the same time, I am also impressed by her courage and loyalty to our country. I have also secretly sneaked one rose into my pocket. I can't let the Japanese take away everything that once belonged to us.

Diary entry on learning Kanji

Dear diary,
            Everyday, Abuji teaches Sun-Hee Kanji. I don’t understand why she likes it so much. I find it such a bore, there’s nothing about it that excites me. However, being the son of the vice-principal, I still have to work hard at it. It would be so embarrassing if I scored the lowest in class for any test. It’s so confusing, every character is different. It’s not like math or science, where there is a logic behind things.
            Sun-Hee is always offering to teach me Kanji. Tonight, I decide to accept her offer. She tries to spin each of character into a small story. I get so fed up with Sun-Hee trying to teach, I almost shout at her. I hope I did not hurt her feelings too much though. Well, I’ve kept some of the Kanji calligraphy with we, so I can remember them…

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Tae Yul's diary entry on his life in the army (4)

Dear Diary,
                 At week seven, I was one of the servers for that week. It wasn't the nicest job as we only get to eat after the officers had finished their food. But by the time they were finished, we had to wolf down our food as there wasn't much time left. But it was also when we get to hear some information about what might happen later as the Japanese spoke like we were not there at all.
                 I was doing my duty today and I overheard the Japanese saying about sending soldiers to do a special mission. Everything was fine at first, until the Japanese insulted us Koreans. Saying that Koreans couldn't be that brave to take on this mission. At that point I was fuming mad. I wanted to show them that us Koreans are not the cowards that they labeled us as. Unknowingly, I signed up for that mission. 

Tae Yul's diary entry on his life in the army (3)

Dear Diary,
                 By the end of the third week, we were allowed to send letters back to our families. But the sad thing was that it would be censored before it was sent out, so we couldn't write our true thoughts in it. I sent letters home as I did not want them to worry, especially Omoni.
                 At the end of the sixth week of training, I received letters from home. Omoni sent back Go-Kam but it was stolen somewhere on the way. Omoni as usual told me to keep warm and always wear the scarf, which she sent me too. Abuji's is more of a note, but still, it cheered me up. He thanked me for the food and ended off saying that he looks forward to listening to my stories. I'm glad that they got the food.
                 Overall, their letters cheered me up a little. But Sun Hee's one made me smile. She talked about Spade-face getting splashed by mud when a car drove pass. She ended off by saying that my handwriting wasn't that bad, gave it a passing grade. I laughed out loud.

Tae Yul's diary entry on his life in the army (2)

Dear Diary,
                 The training started without much delay. The next few weeks were simply a complete blur to me. We had to wake up at 0430 hours everyday, dress and straighten the barracks, line up outside for roll call, run to the mess hall, had breakfast, then our orders for the day. I'm not complaining about the tough training, that I can cope. What I dislike is that we still had to learn the Emperor's military code of order, memorise "The Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors" and later recite them to the sergeants. It's almost the same as school or maybe it's exactly the same.
                 The next thing is that they punished us even for the smallest things. I have seen people being sent back home because of the tough training, or maybe because of the punishment they gave. But not me. I have to finish what I have started. I can't be sent back home now. I will not let the Japanese win.

Tae Yul's diary entry on his life in the army (1)

Dear Diary,
                Everything happened so fast. One minute I was taken to the police station by these soldiers all of a sudden, the next minute I enlisted myself into the army. But I did this was to save Uncle, and not help the Japanese. I feel like we're all in a play. Everyone was acting; the police pretending to really want to help Uncle, and me, pretending to help the Japanese.
                The next day, I was waiting to board the train, to Seoul. I received a letter from Sun Hee before I left. There was a flower in it. Even though I crushed it and blew it away, I will always remember it in my heart. And all of a sudden, there I was. At the training camp outside Seoul.  

Kanji calligraphy

Tae-Yul's diary entry about his Bicycle (2)

Diary entry when his bicycle was taken away by Japanese soldier:

Dear Diary,

                 Nothing. That is the only thing he can do, nothing! If only he could at least pleaded with the two soldiers so that I could keep my bike, I would not be so angry at him like how I am now. I do not even think he knows how much that bicycle meant to me. To him, it maybe just a bicycle but to me, it is sweat and determination that evolved a few recycled materials to this beauty. Also , it served as the last reamining piece of memory shared between me and Uncle before he went missing. Who is this person you might wonder? It is Abuji.

                 Even though he had an advantage with the soldiers calling him sensei, he could not save my bicycle. However, I cannot blame it emtirely on him though. The Japanese have been taking all our stuffs and  will deal heavy punishments to those who never follow their orders. Well, if he had done that for our family, its okay but if he had done it intentionally, maybe what I am doing now is right. Just wondering how vile and cruel can  the Japanese get. I really hope that the war would be over anytime soon, maybe tomorrow. I can just hope.


this website shows the origin of some basic Kanji characters 

Tae-Yul's diary entry about his Bicycle (1)

Diary entry when he had finished his bicycle:

Dear Diary, 

                    How happy am I to tell you this! Uncle and I finally completed our greatest masterpiece so far, a bicycle. The handlebars are made from pipes we found at the nearby trashbin. For the pedals, we used metal sheets. The seats is made with a piece of wood bundled up with a cloth inserted with straws so as to make it more comfortable when you sit on it. Not to forget, the bicycle frame and chain were 'donated' by uncle's friend. Uncle also found rubber tires. Since the frame were rather rusty, I had to 'refurnish' it, which took a while but turned out fine.
                    I did a test run right after the final inspection by uncle was completed. Boy, I tell you. It was exhilirating! It can travel at great speeds and it is firm because of its extraordinary handling. The brakes were functioning well too, it is able to make the bike come to a stop smoothly. Overall, it was far better than what I had expected it to be. Uncle is great! I really look forward for the next opportunity I can ride the bike too. Maybe I can ride down the slope near the school, or even learn some new tricks. Oh, I simply just can't wait!

Saturday 9 April 2011

Progress Checklist - WEEK 3

What we aim to achieve:
1. Finalize letter.
2. Task distributions.
3. Brainstorm on artefacts.
4. Brainstorm on diary entries.

We have completed:
1. Letter.
2. Task distribution.
3. Brainstorm on artefacts and diary entries.

We were unable to complete:
1. Main scrapbook.
2. Diary entries.

Areas we want to improve on or change/remove:
1. Finding artefacts.
2. Making artefacts.

Things we will bring in the next lesson:
1. What we have found/made (artefacts)
2. Scrapbook paper.

Progress Checklist - Week 2

What we aim to achieve: 
1. Finalize events for scrapbook.
2. decide on the characters we want for our scrapbook.
3. brainstorm on: language, colour types, illustrations/sketches
4. Font.

We have completed:
1. Finalize 9 events.
2. Materials needed for artefacts.

We were unable to complete: 
1. Letter.
2. Diary entries.

Areas we want to improve on or change/remove:
1. Time management.
2. Sitting arrangements (so that everyone can participate)

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Progress Tables (click pictures to enlarge)

Week 2 progress table

Week 3 progress table

Bits and pieces that will be used in the scrapbook - paper and artefact

The scrapbook papers that we will be using, soaked in tea.

One of the notes that fell from the Americans' airplane, which Tae-Yul collected and hid in his belt

After Abuji burnt the paper.

Reference for rose/leaf of Sharon Tree

Leaf of Sharon Tree
Rose of Sharon Tree                                                                                                                                            

This is how a leaf/rose of a sharon tree looks like. We are using this as a reference to find a leaf/rose that is slightly similar to the leaf/rose of a sharon tree for our artefacts. 

Chapter 4: When Uncle draws the Korean flag for Tae-Yul and Sun-Hee. (The artifact of this chapter)

Korean flag

Uncle taught Tae Yul and Sun Hee about the Korean flag, even though they weren't allowed to. He taught them how to draw the flag and the meanings of all the different parts of the flag.
He taught them that the four symbols surrounding the flag has three parts, each representing a different cycle - the four seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring; the directions: north, south, east, west; and the universe: sky, moon, earth, sun. And although the flag at first looked like a Japanese flag, the circle in the centre is divided into 2 parts, the top and bottom. The top being red, and the bottom being blue.  

Monday 4 April 2011

Money used during the Japanese occupation in Korea

This used to be the money used when Korea was under the Japanese rule. It was named the Korean Yen. (see picture below) The Korean Yen was used between 1910 and 1945.The design of the note is different from the ones that are being used today.

Korean Yen that was used between 1910 and 1945

Korean Won that is being used today