Wednesday 13 April 2011

Tae Yul's diary entry on his life in the army (3)

Dear Diary,
                 By the end of the third week, we were allowed to send letters back to our families. But the sad thing was that it would be censored before it was sent out, so we couldn't write our true thoughts in it. I sent letters home as I did not want them to worry, especially Omoni.
                 At the end of the sixth week of training, I received letters from home. Omoni sent back Go-Kam but it was stolen somewhere on the way. Omoni as usual told me to keep warm and always wear the scarf, which she sent me too. Abuji's is more of a note, but still, it cheered me up. He thanked me for the food and ended off saying that he looks forward to listening to my stories. I'm glad that they got the food.
                 Overall, their letters cheered me up a little. But Sun Hee's one made me smile. She talked about Spade-face getting splashed by mud when a car drove pass. She ended off by saying that my handwriting wasn't that bad, gave it a passing grade. I laughed out loud.

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