Wednesday 13 April 2011

Tae Yul's diary entry on his life in the army (4)

Dear Diary,
                 At week seven, I was one of the servers for that week. It wasn't the nicest job as we only get to eat after the officers had finished their food. But by the time they were finished, we had to wolf down our food as there wasn't much time left. But it was also when we get to hear some information about what might happen later as the Japanese spoke like we were not there at all.
                 I was doing my duty today and I overheard the Japanese saying about sending soldiers to do a special mission. Everything was fine at first, until the Japanese insulted us Koreans. Saying that Koreans couldn't be that brave to take on this mission. At that point I was fuming mad. I wanted to show them that us Koreans are not the cowards that they labeled us as. Unknowingly, I signed up for that mission. 

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