Thursday 14 April 2011

Diary Entry on Sharon Tree

Dear Diary,
                  Today something tragic happened. I'm fine with the Japanese taking our things and all but forcing us to cut down and burn our sharon trees is just too much. The rose of sharon tree is Korea's national tree, our tree. I was really furious when the trees were just burnt right in front of our eyes. But Omoni secretly kept one of the trees. That seedling is in the tool shed right now and I'm sure that someday that little seedling will grow up to be a big and proud tree. But I am a little worried about Omoni, as by doing so, she would be punished by the Japanese if they ever find out. But at the same time, I am also impressed by her courage and loyalty to our country. I have also secretly sneaked one rose into my pocket. I can't let the Japanese take away everything that once belonged to us.

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