Wednesday 13 April 2011

Tae-Yul's diary entry about his Bicycle (2)

Diary entry when his bicycle was taken away by Japanese soldier:

Dear Diary,

                 Nothing. That is the only thing he can do, nothing! If only he could at least pleaded with the two soldiers so that I could keep my bike, I would not be so angry at him like how I am now. I do not even think he knows how much that bicycle meant to me. To him, it maybe just a bicycle but to me, it is sweat and determination that evolved a few recycled materials to this beauty. Also , it served as the last reamining piece of memory shared between me and Uncle before he went missing. Who is this person you might wonder? It is Abuji.

                 Even though he had an advantage with the soldiers calling him sensei, he could not save my bicycle. However, I cannot blame it emtirely on him though. The Japanese have been taking all our stuffs and  will deal heavy punishments to those who never follow their orders. Well, if he had done that for our family, its okay but if he had done it intentionally, maybe what I am doing now is right. Just wondering how vile and cruel can  the Japanese get. I really hope that the war would be over anytime soon, maybe tomorrow. I can just hope.

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