Thursday 14 April 2011

Diary entry on learning Kanji

Dear diary,
            Everyday, Abuji teaches Sun-Hee Kanji. I don’t understand why she likes it so much. I find it such a bore, there’s nothing about it that excites me. However, being the son of the vice-principal, I still have to work hard at it. It would be so embarrassing if I scored the lowest in class for any test. It’s so confusing, every character is different. It’s not like math or science, where there is a logic behind things.
            Sun-Hee is always offering to teach me Kanji. Tonight, I decide to accept her offer. She tries to spin each of character into a small story. I get so fed up with Sun-Hee trying to teach, I almost shout at her. I hope I did not hurt her feelings too much though. Well, I’ve kept some of the Kanji calligraphy with we, so I can remember them…

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